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Do you want to know more about the Security Umbrella Self defense umbrella?
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This is not really important and you can decide that according to your preference. Some like the knob, because it looks elegant and powerful in effect. Others prefer the typical umbrella-round hook handle, which you can easily hook in your arm.
For the personal protection function, no handle has a special advantage; the essential action is the blocking and in the extreme case the thrusting with the umbrella tip; both types of grip are similar.
In the middle you can see the XXL variant "extra long"; this model is for all larger persons. The next length is the standard umbrella; this is the normal model and this umbrella protects two people from the rain.
The "City-Safe" on the outside is the shortest model in the length of a defense stick or Hanbo; This umbrella is very handy and perfect in tight environments such as public transport. Due to the smaller diameter, the "City-Safe" is suitable as a rain cover for one person only.
That's what experts say about our umbrellas
We would be pleased about your contact if you have any questions about our umbrellas, have a problem or if you want to be a partner. We will reply as quickly as possible.
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