Is the Security Umbrella suitable for you and what requirements are necessary?

There are many arguments in favor of the Security Umbrella and one outstanding is the fact that it is of great benefit to everyone. Handling is intuitive and easy due to our video tutorial.

It does not matter if you are physically fit, flexible or strong. Likewise, no martial arts or self-defense skills are required.

For the effective use of the Security Umbrella, some special techniques are sufficient and you can learn them quickly with our video course.

The special thing about the security umbrella is that it strengthens especially those who need it most, namely, those who are not strong, young, flexible and super athletic. So exactly those who are most likely to be chosen as victims.

The possession and thus your increased self-assurance is the first prevention measure. This is because the villain tends to choose anxious and easily overwhelming victims. With the Security Umbrella you do not fit this picture and so many assaults are given up in advance. He also protects you without being directed against others.

Our customers confirm this:

"Hello, my Security Umbrella is with me everywhere, I hope to be able to keep off attackers if I can not escape, and I've found that the umbrella has a great preventative effect; if I catch the attention of figures hanging around, I take the umbrella from the shoulder firmly in the hand and their interest waned immediately. " Sincerely, MK

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